One thing we all know about coronavirus is that washing our hands with soap and water can help keep us safe and well – but what about surfaces in our homes? Coronavirus can live on surfaces, so keeping our homes and our kitchens clean is essential to staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keeping your home clean can help keep you safe
Keeping Your Home Clean during COVID-19
Staying at home can help keep you safe during COVID-19, by keeping the risk of contracting coronavirus low. However, it is likely you’ll have to leave the house occasionally for exercise, work, or to purchase groceries and other essential items. It is possible to get the virus if you or a family member leave the home and re-enter or bring new items from outside the home in.
Always wash your hands when re-entering your home. The virus can live on door handles, surfaces and packaging, so wash your hands before touching anything inside your home to reduce the risk of spreading it.
Clean Regularly Handled items
Be particularly sure to clean regularly handled items, including door handles that you must touch to enter your home. Some items that should be cleaned regularly include:
- Door handles
- Switches
- Faucets
- Remotes
- Place mats
- Pens
- Phones
- Purses
- Outer wear
- Desks / tables
- Keyboards
- Car steering wheels
- Seatbelt clips
Don’t forget to remove your shoes when you enter your home. Change clothes, wash clothes and take a shower if you interact with someone that you believe could have coronavirus, or visit a busy store or workplace, to minimize risk.
Cleaning the Kitchen and Bathroom during COVID-19
The kitchen and bathroom are two of the most important rooms to keep clean to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Keeping your kitchen clean is particularly important during this time as it is the primary place where we prepare meals and eat. With coronavirus living on some surfaces for up to 24 hours and others for days, there’s no need to go overboard, but regular cleaning is important.
Keeping the kitchen clean is essential
COVID-19 Cleaning Products
Choose cleaning products with at least 70% alcohol and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to kill most viruses. The higher the alcohol content, the more effective your cleaning product is likely to be. Bear this in mind if you choose to make your own cleaning products and hand sanitizer during the pandemic – and don’t forget that simply washing your hands with soap and water is preferable to hand sanitizer use where possible. Always follow the instructions on the product you’re using, and check to make sure it isn’t past its expiry date. If you are using antibacterial products, remember that bacteria and viruses are not the same. Check the packaging to confirm these products also kill viruses, many will. The Environmental Protection Agency has compiled a list of approved cleaning products.
If someone in your home has coronavirus symptoms or you must clean a potentially contaminated surface, use gloves and other cleaning supplies that will only be used for this purpose. In these circumstances, choose to use paper towels rather than re-usable cloths to clean the surface.
Thank you for reading our blog post on keeping your home clean during COVID-19. We hope you stay safe and well during this challenging time.
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